and hea's da real ones =X
lolZ!! i just thought of somethin!!
name your doggie "stain"
den everytime u want your doggie to come u yell "CUM STAIN!! CUM STAIN!!"
um yea here's a radiation chart for u cell fone freakz -
HAHAHAHAHAHA dis is wut david IMed me -
7:36 p.m. As Stern announces Yao as the No. 1 pick, TNT quickly switches to their live feed in China, just to catch the Ming, his parents and his coach exchanging awkward high-fives. There's no way to possibly express how funny that was. That's the Draft Night Highlight of all-time. I'm not kidding.
o yeh i dLed mib2
it kinda sux =( i guess christine's rite...da only reason i liked mib1 was cuz i was just a lil kid and thought WOW PEOPLE IN BLACK SUITS KILLING ALIENS!! SO KOOL!
aw not its so retarded and played out =\
wellz go watch it in theaters n e wayz!!
i guess if u REALLY wanan see it now...ill burn u a copy IM me sometime
christine'z a bitchass >=\ she won't let me play her ps2
and mel has nerdy dreams!! HAhaAHahAH
and kenny has no feelings
and I have new ringtones and gonna fix up my fone tomorro =)
and david crashed his car =\
and ant got hit up =(
and nancy'z bored
and dat is ALL!!!
iono wtf im doin
today i called up those people and they gave me dis site -
and it sends FREE too!! SHIT!! best site in da world for ringtones/pics
now im so happi =)
spent like a billion hours doin diz shiet...finally found da tone i want and it won't work!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
imma call those fuckerz up tomorro and yell >=\
got sum maintenance stuff on my car...transmission, oil, and new timing belts!!
runs a lot smoother...see it DOES make a difference!
a s n luv4 l f e (11:54:24 AM): next to ice cube im just a test tube
a s n luv4 l f e (11:54:25 AM): =T
aren't we all just test tubes next to ice cube?
=\ mother fuckerz
couple mins later -
porky1011 (5:56:52 PM): hahahahaha
porky1011 (5:56:56 PM): fuck man
porky1011 (5:57:00 PM): didnt quite work
hi =) ! wut da hell's dere to do in da summa anywayz?
if youz me up =D
im not puttin my # up on da internet anymore cuz i got some really fucked up morez.. =X
porky1011 (5:54:15 PM): lemme go bury my head into the blanket
porky1011 (5:54:18 PM): get some pity points from parents
porky1011 (5:54:30 PM): PITY POINTS! HERE I COME!
wellz i haven't posted in so long...
so ill just post sum pics of stuff im gettin for my fone =)
battery -

front -

Ragnarok is pretty fun!!
especially when u got all da best shit =) thx 2 pam for hookin me up! haha
rEmiX n ZZ a (6:12:04 PM): mon - thur 6 fuckin hours of physics
rEmiX n ZZ a (6:12:07 PM): on dat smallass stool
lay z boy co inc (6:12:14 PM): lol
rEmiX n ZZ a (6:12:14 PM): my ass is gonna break o.O
lay z boy co inc (6:14:22 PM): hahaha
lay z boy co inc (6:14:25 PM): lol break ass!!!
lay z boy co inc (6:14:26 PM): hahaha
lay z boy co inc (6:14:27 PM): imagine that
lay z boy co inc (6:14:31 PM): u have like 5 asses
lay z boy co inc (6:14:33 PM): and 4 ass cracks
even tho mel can't spell DUEL, she still wins
LiL MeL 56 (12:33:37 AM): blog dual winner:
LiL MeL 56 (12:33:38 AM): melody
argh i take it bak - mel wins =\ =( =*(
LiL MeL 56 (12:31:36 AM): junior year...just as i have expected, was long and hard. No wait, wut am i talking about? it is more than that. not only was it long and hard, it was a rigorous journey with twists and turns...and even booby-traps here and there...bumps, dips, u can name it all. It was a year filled with...piles and piles of homework, AP and SAT books, stress, sleepless nights tears, disappointments, setbacks, on top of all, endless drama (namely tragedy) from the graphic description above...u could probably picture one heck of a year i had. It was simply indescribable. The best way to describe my year would be that...picture this scenario...there is a two lane street, and i was traveling down the wrong lane. the opposing traffic is just...overwhelming. As you can wasn't so...smooth. there were so many big mistakes that i could travel back in time and undo them, but time does not rewind does it? i'd like to say...WHEW dat was one heck of a year! and finally, SUMMER IS HERE!!!
mel's gonna challenge me to a blog duel
but she can't spell duel -
LiL MeL 56 (12:28:42 AM): i now challenge michael hwang to a blog dual
ok i win !!
even more!! -
porky1011 (12:20:31 AM): males get eaten?
porky1011 (12:20:35 AM): really?
porky1011 (12:20:49 AM): sux to have a dick when ur ANT!!!!!
rEmiX n ZZ a (12:20:54 AM): i don't think ants have dicks
someone educate david on ants
is dis strange or wut?
porky1011 (12:08:54 AM): do ants have wings?
porky1011 (12:09:07 AM): i remember in simant..
porky1011 (12:09:10 AM): some had wings
lolz!! play ddr for PE!!
gosh i wish i were in dat PE class =\
YES I GOT MY C =DDD YESSS also i got an A in chem!! WHOOOOO
wow dats 2 up from wut i was expecting =)
yay today is a good day! even tho physics was still borin as fuk =\
106% on my calc final!! wah sai aren't u proud me!?
good quote thingy from a maiL! -
"Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."
lolz paul & GTA 3 -
porky1011: lol pauls so loser
porky1011: he's been trying for 3 hours to pick up a prostitute
porky1011: and he still can't get any
i just realized somethin
in dis world, cars + guns + girls = happiness
cars - wealth
guns - power
girls - SEX!!!
yea in gta 3 u get all 3 =D so funn!!!
dayam graduation was so fuckin borin =\ and BURNING HOT
bah and mr farbes said it would be fun...wut a bunch of bullshitterz
well i got to drive roger's wrx =D WAH SAI!! i luv dat turbo!!!
but the acceleration @ beginnin is so fuckin slow...mayb its just cuz antonio's fatass was in it =XX hahahahah jkjkjk
n e wayz...turbo kix ass =)
skoo's finally ova!! but summer school on mon =*( if u gotz blankenhorn for physics call me up =)
oh i found the song i was lookin for! damn im so stupid... its i need a girl part 2...just kinda mixed but it sounds so much better~! get it
ok datz all 4 now...gonna go find sumthin 2 do byeZ!
mmm i just saw bad was ok
i would recommend DLin it but i dun dink its worth $5 or wutevaz
i left mine at skoo and now im so fucked for the final hahah im so stupd =XX
shiet time to go find one
OMG just ran across dis -
SO FREAKIN COOL!! is dat reaL? dayam =\ i want 1
yay finally got new cell fone!! and saw star wars! haha
damn im slow =\
well new cell # is 353-6955
and da movie was ok...pretty good
by kenny's request, I have decided to post links to search engines on my blog since u guys dun like readin my blog anywayz and would much rather use some excitin search engines
here they are -
Alta Vista
if u dink of more just IM me - rEmiX nZZa
eerrrrggghhh im fucken tired dunno wut to write
if u have grand theft auto 3 burn me a copy
ill give u a shiny quarter =\
Got new shoes yesterday!! =D
Mine are the one's with the dark blue logo
awww poor albert wanted to go shoe shoppin with me but i went with my cousin =\ next time time...
LOLZ off tommy's profile -
Students at a Med School were receiving their first anatomy class with a real dead human body. They
are all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet.
Then the professor started the class by telling them: In medicine, it is necessary to have 2 important qualities as a doctor: The first is that it is necessary that you don't get disgusted."
The Professor uncovered the sheet, sunk his finger in the butt of the dead body, withdrew it, and then
stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked it.
Go ahead and do the same thing" he told his students. The students freaked out, hesitated and
subsequently taking turns, sunk their finger in the butt of the dead body and sucked it after withdrawing it
When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and told them: ;"The second important quality is
observation. I inserted the middle finger and sucked the index. Pay attention people.
today was pretty fun...went on field trip!! =D haha actually it was pretty borin but at least we got to ditch skoo
yea...farmer's market...ate sum stuff and dats it haha
we went to the ghetto section of farmer's market >=\ only the last 1/2 hour did we discover the nice part!! BAH!
da museum was pretty damn borin =\ just walk around and watch slides and shit das it
and OMG the bus driver...dis black lady...OMFG WORSE FUCKIN DRIVER IN DA WORLD. she KEEPs fuckin tappin the gas so it goes *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* *vroom* ova and ova...and we're not even going any faster. i dink she was purposely tryin to piss us off or somethin...gawd damn she'll fuck up the bus so fast...rpms go 1000 to 6000 back to 1000 over and OVER AGAIN >=\ damn wut a crappy ass ride haha
ok calc test tomorro =( i hav dis feelin imma get a D in dat class....baaaaah
good luckz 2 every1 in zurla
o yea...LAKERS WON!! haha sux for kings tho =( mayb next year...damn rigged shiet